abortion is part of my story.
As devastating as terminating was, my vision for my future is more clarified now.
I can do anything.
I practically skipped out the door. I was overjoyed to no longer be pregnant and oh so relieved.
It woke me up.
I feel grateful for my two unborn children, for not only waking me the FUCK up, but for allowing me to live my life
hope, anger, and disappointment, in that order
I've learned that people can do their very best and it might not still be enough to meet your own emotional needs; and that that's okay.
my life experiences ARE me.
as more time went on, the sadness of that has transformed into empathy for that young woman (me) and gratefulness that she made the choice
I am so glad I made that choice.
After the procedure was over, the doctor came back in the room and said "you're not pregnant any more" and I started crying tears of relief
I Miss Them.
I did not count how many times I was in the emergency department at the hospital due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum.
It made me more confident
It was just so much easier and better than I expected
I am very self-aware and strong.
After the abortion and throughout the years, sharing my experience and hearing others' experiences was very supportive.
Never again.
I. Felt. It. All. This wrecked my mental state. I felt like such a failure, everything I've ever wanted and I get it taken away electively?
I knew that I wanted an abortion.
I also felt guilty for giving up a baby when I know so many people try for so long to get pregnant, including my sister in law.
I don’t regret my abortion, I only regret getting pregnant.
Initially we were excited, but it all came crashing down.
The choice that I made was important for my family, my health, and our future all together.
I go back and forth with validating myself and then tearing myself down.
After the abortion I felt light.
I won’t let people make me feel bad for my choice.